Saturday, March 10, 2012

How do I recharge the AC on a 92 buick park ave?

Is it fairly simple to do?How do I recharge the AC on a 92 buick park ave?depends on your abilities really.... but for most no. Being that the car is a 92, you will have to take it to a shop that can handle the R-12 freon that the system uses. So in a way it is easy, you just have to take it to a shop. However the R-12 is quite expensive now, well, depending on where you live, but the last time i checked it was averageing about $102 a pound. A full service is about $700, that covers the reclaiming of any remaining freon (r-12), checking for leaks, and filling the freon. Most shops don't or rather won't deal with r-12 systems anymore they prefer to convert them over to a r-134a system. the cost is about the same to do so, but your A/C will never be the same. R-134a doesn't get as cold as the old r-12 did, but on the bright side future refills will only cost a few bucks rather than a few hundred.

Now you can convert the system yourself and save a few bucks, but it isn't that easy. Actually it isn't that bad just tedious, but if you aren't familiar with working on vehicles i would suggest that you take it to a shop, or have an experianced friend help you out, it should only take a day to do.How do I recharge the AC on a 92 buick park ave?has your system been converted from r12 to r134a

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